The Team has two full time ordained ministers, the Team Rector - James Richards (picture left), prinicpally looking afer St. Martin's, St. Anne's Ings, and St. Cuthbert's, Kentmere; and the Team Vicar - Olivia Haines (principally looking after St. James' Staveley, St. Mary's Windermere, and Jesus Church Troutbeck).
At St. Martin's there is also a retired minister, The Revd Canon Clarence Hendrickse.
Other lay leaders at St. Martin's are our churchwardens, Mike Fletcher and Rosemary Rooke, our treasurers, Mike Baldwin and Ted Cook, our lay worship leaders and our Homegroup leaders.
The church is led by the Church Council (PCC) made up of members elected by the congregation togehter with the Rector and the Churchwardens , but the ministry (=work of the church) is shared by all of us together.