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Organ specification

Organ Specification

Built - Jardine & Co 1922, restored/improved Cowin Ltd, 1964, restored/expanded V. Saville 1999

Pedal Compass CC to F (30 notes) - R.C.O. Pedal Board
Manual Compass C to C (61 notes)

Great Organ
1 Contra Flute 16
2 Open Diapason I 8
3 Open Diapason II 8
4 Clarabella 8
5 Principal 4
6 Harmonic Flute 4
7 Twelfth 2 2/3
8 Fifteenth 2
9 Tromba 8

Pedal Organ
10 Open Diapason Wood 16
11 Violine 16
12 Sub-bass * 16
13 Quint * 10 2/3
14 Violinocello 8
15 Flute * 8
16 Octave Flute * 4
17 Trombone * 16
* = Extension from Great

Swell Organ
18 Open Diapason 8
19 Voix Celestes 8
20 Flauto Amabile 8
21 Gemshorn 4
22 Fifteenth 2
23 Mixture III
24 Horn 8
25 Contra Oboe 16

- - Balanced Cresc. Pedal (right)
- - Tremulant:- Adjustable for speed & depth at Console

Choir Organ
26 Cor De Nuit 8
27 Dulciana 8
28 Viol de Gamba 8
29 Harmonic Flute 4
30 Piccolo 2
31 Corno-di-Bassetto 8
32 Tromba 8 (from Gt)
- Tremulant
- Balanced Cresc. Pedal (left)

Couplers (above Swell Manual)
Gt/Ped *+                Sw/Gt * Gt & Ped Comb's
Sw/Ped *                 Ch/Gt Coupled
Ch/Ped*                   Sw/Ch *
Sw Octave                Ch Octave
Sw Sub Octave          Ch Sub Octave
Sw Unison Off           Gt Octave

* = duplicate thumb reversible piston
+ = duplicate foot reversible piston

Registration Aids
5 Combination Thumb pistons to each Manual
5 Combination Toe pistons to pedal (right)
5 General Toe pistons (left)

Full electronic capture system with scope for 12 Organist's settings
All pistons and couplers settable from console with lock facility

Wind pressures: 31/4 - 5 inches
7 inches heavy reed
Discus Blower

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